02/11/21: Pastor K.R. Mele from Rock n Roll Ministries - Interview discussing the upcoming ride across New York. Listen/watch here
11/11/2020: Randy Henderson - How not to Die in the Grand Canyon. Listen/watch here
04/08/2020: Pastor Del Smith of Faith Assembly came in sideways, but was on target with his Message "There Is Now, in an Is There World". While his message was spot on, he missed the 7 minute bullseye and finished in the 9 minute ring. Listen to it HERE
04/14/2020: Pastor Jimmy Rivera from City Limits Assembly was just out getting some gas and decided to take the challenge and what a challenge it was! While he was on target, he missed the bullseye by 5 rings - 12 minutes. Listen Here
04/21/2020: Pastor V from H.O.T Church shared a moving testimony and God's goodness through it all. Pastor V was on target and his arrow hit the 8 minute ring. Listen here
04/27/2020: Pastor Steve Brumbaugh from Altoona Resotration Church of God was on target, and in the 12 minute ring. Great message Pastor Steve! Listen HERE
05/05/2020: Pastor Rob Bennett from Jakes Run Assembly preached about Jesus "blessin' his homies". Well done Pastor Rob you hit the 14 minute ring. Watch HERE
05/12/2020: A very candid Interview with Jose Hernandez - COVID-19 Survivor. An awesome message, but wow Greg you were in the 23 minute ring is that even a ring? Watch HERE
in the NEWS n@
Interview with our founder Greg Nass on RealLife TV. Interview starts at 27 min.
WTAJ TV (central PA) did a couple segments on AdventureFest - 2017 and 2016.
Calling Men to Adventure - PE NEWS
Class-Act-Mens Ministry - Pittsburgh Post Gazette
New Trail Bridge - Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Fly Tying Classes - Post Gazette
Ted Nugent and ministry? Not really, but old sweaty Teddy talks Turkey with AdventureMen mentioned - Pittsburgh Post Gazette