The AdventureMen (AMEN) is a non-profit (501 (c) 3) organization that takes a grassroots approach to "MENistry" by networking guys together based on Christian faith and common interests and then being the good news to the outdoor community. It includes getting guys outside of the church and into outdoor communities of interest including mountain biking, fishing, skiing, fly tying, hiking, hunting, and geocaching to name a few. No matter what activity is pursued by the local church or outdoor group, we always encourage room for prayer, discussion, and opportunities to get to know the Lord better. As the group grows together we then encourage servant evangelism - being the good news to the outdoor community. The AdventureMen model is a documented and proven new approach to men's ministry and is free for churches of all denominations to implement. This is not your typical brick-n-mortar men's ministry meeting for breakfast.
AMEN is designed to be an international multi-cultural ministry. We consider ourselves to be a non-denomination ministry allowing men's ministries of all denominations to get involved. Our goal is to help guys stand firm on the mountain that God created, strong under the sky that He painted.
The AdventureMen was birthed by Greg Nass in 2009, at South Hills Assembly of God. From there we took in to the PennDel and Potomac Districts of the Assemblies of God until we officially launched as a non-profit 501 (c) 3 non-denominational ministry in 2018. We now strive for global domination....mawahahaha
We have several different logo's but they all include the same elements - a cross, and mountains. Following is a detailed explanation of one our newest logos.
1. The three mountains represent the Trinity. 2. The cross is salvation through Jesus Christ. 3. The tent encourages us to get out there on the mountain. 4. This one has a black mat that lets us kneel and pray at the Cross, on the mountain.